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Custom Plastic Mould's Injection Mold Maintenance Method

Custom Plastic Mould's injection mold maintenance method:

1. Recording

The working status of the mold is usually recorded in detail.

Make statistics on the use and maintenance (lubrication, cleaning, rust prevention) and damage of the mold.

Based on this, you can find out which parts are damaged and the degree of wear.

Provide information about finding and solving problems,

And the molding process parameters of the mold

And the materials used in the product.

In order to shorten the mold making time,

Improve production efficiency and ensure the service life of the mold.

2. Testing

The company should test the performance of the injection mold under the normal operation of the injection molding machine and mold.

And measure the size of the final molded part.

This information can be used to determine the current state of the mold

And determine the damage of the cavity, core, cooling system, and parting surface.

According to the information provided by the plastic parts

Can judge the damage state of the injection mold and repair measures.